
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Beautiful Rose

The Beautiful rose
A Red Rose

A rose is a woody perennial flowering plant of the genus Rosa, in the family Rosaceae, or the flower it bears. There are over three hundred species and thousands of cultivars.

Roses in Ancient Historic Period

The Romans outdid the Greeks when Nero, the hedonistic emperor, 1st century AD, dumped tons of rose petals on his dinner guests.

Cleopatra had her living quarters filled with the petals of roses so that when Marc Antony met her, he would long remember her for such opulence and be reminded of her every time he smelt a rose. Her scheme worked for him. Such is the power of roses.

Not only in Christian literature, also in ancient Confucian and Buddhist religious documents we find references to the rose.

The Romans cultivated this great beauty and named it Rosa Gallica. Newly married couples were often crowned with roses.

Types of Roses according to color and the following:

  1. Floribunda
  2. Hybrid tea
  3. Grandiflora
  4. Shrub and landscape
  5. Climber
  6. Miniature

Roses Origin

The rose is, according to fossil evidence, 35 million years old. In nature, the genus Rosa has some 150 species spread throughout the Northern Hemisphere, from Alaska to Mexico and including northern Africa. Garden cultivation of roses began some 5,000 years ago, probably in China.

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