Thursday, October 1, 2020

Horizon line rules in photography

How Horizon Line Change Your Image Composition?

The location of the horizon line is one of the means to enhance any image. Horizon line pictures should usually have three positions. According to this rule, if we divide the shot horizontally or horizontally into three equal parts, the horizon should be near one of the two lines that divide the shot.

This rule can be used when taking pictures and it is better to place the horizon in any of these two places-

  1. In the bottom line of the middle of the picture;
  2. In the upper line of the center of the image.

However, in special cases, you can also place the horizon along the center of the image.

Where should the horizon be located?

One of the main rules regarding horizon lines is that they should never be placed in the center of the frame. As I said before, if you divide a picture frame into two equal lines, it should be on the horizon near one of the lines. As a rule of thumb, there are times when this can be completely ignored, so here are a few guidelines to help you decide where to place the horizon in your picture.

At the bottom of the picture

Keeping the horizon under the frame is a great way to emphasize the dramatic sky. By placing the horizon at the bottom of the frame you are dominating the top of the image. But if you just give a normal sky more than half of the frame in the picture, it won't hold anyone's interest for long.

Horizon when placed at the top of the photo frame

In contrast, place the horizon at the top of the frame, to give precedence to the lower part of the image.

The horizon in the center of the frame

A central horizon works very well only in the case of "perfect" images, where "composition" is already done for you. If the frame is split in half by the horizon, a relationship will appear between the two parts of the image (top and bottom).

This is probably the most difficult horizon to handle compositionally, because if the horizon is so close to the center of the frame, a scene will easily feel unbalanced.

If you want to use this method, make sure you place the horizon right in the middle of the picture. It will look unbalanced if you position it slightly above or below.

Reflection, in that case it would be better to place the horizon line in the middle of the frame

Excluding the horizon completely

While discussing the location of the horizon, the option of eliminating the horizon altogether should be considered. If the sky has no role in your film, then it is better to omit the sky.

1 comment:

  1. Alternatively if you are more comfortable with Adobe Photoshop then here are a few easy steps you can follow to get on track:


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