Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Little Goat by Cute Baby Girl Perfectly Fun Unlimited

Let Your Baby Fun to Naturelly

It doesn't take much to thrill a baby. And sometimes it's the "small stuff" that makes the biggest impression – a sunbeam shining on the rug, an empty cardboard box, or birds chattering away outside. And these simple thrills don't cost a dime.

In that spirit, here's a collection of five simple, cheap activities that are sure to be a bright spot in your baby's day – and yours!

 Sing songs with real or made-up words that rhyme, like "thump, thump, thump, bump, bump, bump, jump, jump, jump." You might feel a little silly, but all that rhyming is another way to boost your baby's language development. "Like touch, talking with your baby is like food for their bodies and their minds,"

Games that involve touch are useful for bonding with your baby and making them laugh. For example, you can play ‘steal your nose’ game. Pretend you have stolen your baby’s nose and show your thumb (as their nose) through your fingers. They are sure to laugh!

Human brains are wired to seek safety, and if a baby's brain doesn't feel safe, it can't learn. The love and cuddling you give your baby can help establish her sense of security. "From the time a child is born, that soft and loving voice, and soft touch speaks to children so much," Clinard says.

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