Saturday, August 28, 2021

Promise to not Forget

Promise to not Forget

The best quote about friends and friendship

1. A relationship depends on two things, one is realizing one's own similarities and respecting the differences.

2. The principle of each relationship is one and that is never let the one you love be alone especially when you are there.

3. Everything else stays the same when the communication is disconnected.
10. It's not a hide-and-seek game about the real thing, but here the two of them are looking for each other.

4. Don't get involved with someone who makes you feel normal.

5. You don't have to be something to everyone, it's enough to have everything to one person.

6. The relationship of love is like the wind you can't see it but you can feel it.

7. The most painful thing is to forget your own self while trying to get involved with others.

Who is responsible for maintaining the relationship?

A relationship begins with love, the remnants of which are drawn into love, and ends with marriage. 

But who is responsible for perpetuating this heavenly relationship - women or men? The answer is simple - both.

But strategically, these responsibilities and understandings may be different for the two.
One thing both of them should keep in mind is that there is no one-sided relationship. 

We often make mistakes, leaving all the responsibilities and possibilities of maintaining and breaking up the relationship to one side. Men blame women and women blame men. 

Think about it, how do you handle a relationship? Who else will have no responsibility, sensitivity and care? If not here's a new product just for you! The relationship is like a scale, the balance of which is maintained when the two sides are equally weighted.

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