Saturday, June 29, 2024

Why Popcorn Pops Up?

Why Popcorn Pops Up?
Popcorn Photo credit Wallpaper Flare

Popcorn pops because of a special kind of corn kernel and the way it's designed. Inside each popcorn kernel, there's a small amount of water, and it's surrounded by a hard shell. When you heat this kernel, something amazing happens:

Understand Color Cast: be an Advanced Photographer

To be an advanced photographer, it's crucial to understand the color cast and how it affects your images. Color cast refers to an unwanted shift in the overall color balance of a photograph, resulting in an inaccurate representation of the original scene. This shift can occur due to various factors such as lighting conditions, incorrect camera settings, lens filters, or even image editing.

How to Understand the Photography Color Cast?

Here are some key points to help you understand and address color cast:

White Balance: White balance is a fundamental concept in photography that deals with the accurate representation of colors under different lighting conditions. Different light sources emit light with varying color temperatures, such as daylight, tungsten (incandescent), fluorescent, or flash. Adjusting the white balance settings on your camera or during post-processing ensures that the colors appear natural and neutral.

Monday, June 24, 2024

The Camera is the Best Friend for Solo Traveller

Camera is the Best Friend for Solo Traveller
Fig-Camera Canon EOS 80D

When it comes to solo traveling, having a camera by your side is truly the best companion you can have. After all, a camera can help you capture those special moments and memories that will last a lifetime. With a camera, you can document and share the unique experiences you have while traveling, which can make the journey much more enjoyable and meaningful.

I can understand why many solo travelers consider a camera to be their best friend. Here are some reasons why cameras are often valued companions for solo adventurers: